
The Mid-Iowa Planned Giving Council (MIPGC) is the professional association in Central Iowa for people whose work includes developing, marketing, and administering charitable planned gifts. Those people include gift planners, attorneys, accountants, trust officers, financial planners, chartered life underwriters, volunteers and resource development officers from area nonprofit organizations. MIPGC is the central Iowa affiliate of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners.


MIPGC provides educational opportunities, training, and resources to advance ethics and professionalism in the field of gift planning and to enhance the important role of philanthropy in society.


  • Advance the educational and professional expertise of members.
  • Provide access to the people, tools and resources members need to develop skills in the critical competencies of the planned giving profession.
  • Provide a forum for members to discuss specific planned giving issues.
  • Create an avenue for communication among planned giving practitioners.
  • Serve as a clearinghouse for information of interest to members.
  • Create and further an awareness of governmental and legislative issues.


Led by volunteers, MIPGC is governed by a 12-member Board of Directors.

Educational Offerings

MIPGC offers seven monthly educational programs on the fourth Tuesday of January, February, March, April, May, September and November. More information is available on the Events page.

The MIPGC Annual Conference attracts national and regional speakers to provide timely information on current topics and trends in gift planning. More information is available on the Annual Conference page.


MIPGC offers informal networking events in conjunction with monthly educational offerings as well as our special events.

Current & Past Presidents

2022 Jordan Richardson
2021 Amanda Nuzum
2020 Caleb Hegna
2019 Lynn Gaumer
2018 Andra Reason
2017 Jane Flanagan
2016 Joe Nolte
2015 Sheila Kinman
2014 Sue McEntee
2013 Bill Gustoff
2012 Azure Christensen
2011 Todd Fogdall
2010 Amanda Fletcher
2009 Angela Hilbert
2008 Sandra Durbala
2007 Brian Wright
2006 Trish Roberts
2005 John Smith
2004 Rob Hilbert
2003 Patrice Maurer
2002 Sharyl Engelhardt
2001 Mary ‘Sue’ McEntee
2000 Bob MacKenzie
1999 Johnne Syverson
1998 Larry Stelter
1997 Johnne Syverson
1996 Doug Lockin
1995 Doug Lockin
1994 Don Ireland-Schunicht
1993 Don Ireland-Schunicht

Save the Date

MIPGC Conference

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 | 8:15 a.m.
32nd Annual MIPGC Fall Conference
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden
CLICK HERE for Wrap Up!

Next Upcoming Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, April 22, 2025 | 8:30 a.m.
Speaker: Lisa Grefe
Topic: TBA
More Information